Category Blog

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Bring Children’s Books to Life

Professional Illustration for Children's Books, Games, and Education - Over The Moon Redux

I love how illustrations can transform a simple story into a delightful experience for kids. The Illustrator’s artwork can convey emotions, set the scene, and give life to characters in ways that words cannot do on their own. Let’s explore…

Making Learning Fun and Effective!

Professional Illustration for Children's Books, Games, and Education - Mario Day

Creating an educational product that captures the attention of children and promotes learning can be challenging. Luckily, there is a solution that can make learning both fun and effective: Children’s illustrations! Incorporating beautiful and engaging illustrations into your educational product…

How Illustrations Enhance Your Children’s Book

Professional Illustrator for Children's Books - Mermaid and The Grumpy Old Clam Pages 5 and 6

As a children’s book illustrator, I know firsthand the power that illustrations have to captivate young readers and enhance the storytelling experience. If you’re considering commissioning illustrations for your next children’s book, this post is for you! And don’t worry,…